Activist Burnout? Work burnout?

Is there some way to write your way out of activist burnout? Or work burnout? Can you draw your way out of these things? Create your way out? Or do you just have to change your circumstances in such a way that removes the cause?

I write, I draw, and I make stories. But I don't know how I can use those skills to heal myself. And if I can't use those to heal myself, can I help someone else with them? Do I even have the energy for that?

I like making stories that make people feel less alone, but I do that more in my group of friends, or online RP groups. And that's really nice. I enjoy volunteering my time to help, but I never feel like I have the time to. Every ounce of my free time is spent resting from the hours I spend earning money to live.

Every time I hear bad news, I lament the fact that I feel like there's nothing I can do. There are things I can do, for sure. I just haven't figured them out yet.