2022 Sucked

2022 sucked. Good fucking riddance.

I wanted to log a quick post for the sake of recording some thoughts here. 2022 has been fucking awful, and I'm glad it's almost over. Even though time will keep ticking by as usual, and the new year doesn't bring any "real" change, I'll feel better once I can see 2023 on a calendar. 2023 brought me the loss of my job, the death of my Grandma, the death of my Dad, and a bunch of other stresses. It also brought me a new job that I love and a new local community to take part in.

I have a lot of moments when I feel dreadful. Those moments won't be forever. They're just for now, and there are a lot of them. I have moments where I feel loved and whole too- cared for by people who want me to be okay. But they're often outweighed by the solitude, fear, and despair that come with grief. I just have to keep hoping that I'll feel a little better one day.

My plans for 2022:

- Keep streaming games and art for fun

- Start one new project (I don't have to finish it. Maybe I'll animate or write something.)

- Keep in touch with people who want to be a larger part of my life after my Dad passing

- Apply for a new passport so I can travel when I have the time and funds to